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1950 Keene Rd. Bldg. H
Richland, WA, 99352
United States


We are a nation of women of all ages, and from all walks of life. We desire to make the world a kinder place for women by developing and promoting the strength and beauty within and around us, and by creating a culture of sisterhood that supports us in this endeavor. We accomplish this through: partnering with other like-minded organizations and empowering females with education, mentoring, and inspiration to live their best lives.




What We Can Learn From Tina Fey

Hannah Saldin

So as you may have known or watched, the Golden Globes were on this week.

And like anyone, I couldn't help but notice that Tina Fey was one of the hosts this year. Now, we all probably have different views on her, I respect that, and it's not like I'm "fan-girling" over her in this post, so bear with me!

However, I came across a quote she said at one time, and at first it rubbed me wrong... until I sat and thought about it.

You'll find the quote with her picture below. Read it. Think for a minute about what she's conveying.

Like I said, at first I thought, wow someone really loves themselves to say that!

Then I had an epiphany. What if every woman felt that way about herself? What if we (you and me) truly, deep down, felt that we were amazing just for simply being who we are?

There is something inside me that craves to start being more proud of myself. No, not prideful, but happy and amazed at my unique technique on how I take on life and the circumstances around me. I want to face life's challenges head on, the good and the bad, and come out being amazed at how I did. As women we tend to beat ourselves up too much. I remember having a conversation with Jenn one day, and she said that it's true- when something goes wrong, a woman more times than not will blame herself for the outcome. Ladies, let's stop looking down on ourselves, and start being amazed at what we have to offer to this world and those around us! Let's live confident lives that radiate our genuine selves.

So today ladies, I challenge you! Look in the mirror, and be amazed with yourself! Sit back, and realize that you do a heck of a lot, you're a strong, beautiful, unique individual that has something special to make this world sparkle a little more by your very presence.

Be encouraged today NuShu Sisters!